Mr. Mitsuji
(Grower of sweet potatoes and Japanese radishes)

We grow sweet potatoes in 2 ha and Japanese radishes in 1.2 ha, and have been using Vibro Super Soiler for 10 years by attaching it to a crawler tractor. Before getting this machine, we used to have problems with the sandy soil of this area, because the top soil gets washed away when it rains hard, and the soil compaction becomes much worse after a long rain preventing crops’ growth.
Super Soiler was suggested as a solution, so we decided to co-purchase it with fellow farmers together with a tractor. Now we use Super Soiler to break up subsoil down to 50cm deep before planting seedlings, which softens the bed, and the result is – really plump and delicious potatoes. Also, it improves rooting to such an extent that it prevents potatoes from drying up when we have less rain during the rainy season.
We ship our crops though No-Kyo out to both Kanto and Kansai areas. Naruto Kintoki sweet potatoes have an established reputation for its great taste; and ‘Satomusume’ brand of this kind which is grown in this particular area has been enjoying ever growing support from distributors and consumers.