Mr. Akira Naganuma
(Grower of burdocks and spinaches)

We produce burdocks intensively in this whole area. Although we have been enjoying a good reputation in the market, the increase of imported produce is affecting us all, making it inevitable for us to expand our farming capacity and improve efficiency.
We apply plenty of organic fertilizer for continuous cropping, which as a result compacts the soil and reduces drainage, so we use Super Soiler to break up the subsoil down about 50-60cm deep, and then use a trencher with a tractor to prepare the bed.
We initially leased Super Soiler form No-Kyo. The result was so visible that we purchased it last year. Thanks to the machine, we were able to grow soft and plump burdocks and dramatically reduce the amount of defects. Fellow farmers have seen our result and started to purchase the machine themselves, so perhaps there must be about 10 machines around in this area including co-purchased ones.